Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Book update

So I said I wanted to do NaNoWriMo during December - my own version of it since I sucked at doing the official one this year - and I think the best way for me to do that is to hold myself accountable through word count updates.  I'm already late since I started today, but I don't have guests coming for Christmas, or any work conferences, or anything like that this month.  So I should be able to catch up.  So 50k is the goal.  And honestly, I think I'll give myself until January 15.  Just because, if I'm not doing the official NaNoWriMo anyway, I should be able to make up my own rules.  And my NaNoWriMo is going to be more like NaNoWriSixWeeks.  So Jan 15 is the drop date.  I will have 50,000 words that are somewhat coherent by then.  In a book form.

So.  Word count today:

I will post daily updates.  Yay accountability!  :)

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