Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cat Protesters

You know what I like?  I like going to sleep with lots of wind and freezing temperatures and getting all snuggly in my jammies, and then coming down the hill and going for a lunchtime walk to get a frappuccino past blooming rose bushes and tulips.  Ahhh...

You know what else I like?

I like cats.  And I especially like cats who know how to take a stand for democracy.  Once you get the kitten vote, you're done.

But really, how freaking cute is that?  Bin Laden and all the suicide bombers should take note - you can get a lot more sympathetic attention for your cause if you put signs around kittens than if you blow people up.  Just a tip, you know, cuz I'm all for the free exchange of ideas and information.

OOoh!  And the final thing I like is our new washer and dryer, courtesy of my in-laws when our old one broke (I can't complain too much - it came with the house).  Shit really hit the fan a few weeks ago - the washer and dryer, the hot water heater - good thing we still had heat!  We've been laundromatting it for 4 weeks now (well, J has), but those days are done.  Lowes came yesterday and delivered a nice new fancy stackable front load washer and dryer that plays songs when you turn it on.  Luxury!  I've always wanted a washer and dryer that sang to me.  I just didn't know it.  

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